Working with dates and times in pure JavaScript is painful, to say the least. In Oracle APEX 21.2, the APEX team introduced the JavaScript API. The
API provides several easy-to-use utility functions that make formatting, parsing, comparing, and performing calculations on dates in JavaScript a breeze. What I like about these functions is that many mirror SQL and PL/SQL functions and operators we know and love. In this APEX 🩳, I will demonstrate three examples.
Example 1 - Date Calculations
The first example demonstrates a typical scenario where users must enter a start and end date. Whenever the user changes the start date, we want to default the end date to the start date plus seven days.
In this scenario, P70_START_DATE
is the 'Start Date', and P70_END_DATE
is the 'End Date'. We have an 'Execute JavaScript Code' Dynamic Action on P70_START_DATE
that triggers whenever the value changes and sets the appropriate value in P70_END_DATE
Here is the complete code for the Dynamic Action:
/* Set dateFormat with the Date Format String for the APEX Session.
Note: does not support all Oracle Format Strings
(see the documentation for details)
const dateFormat = apex.locale.getDateFormat();
// Set the number of days to add to the start date.
const addDays = 7;
// Get the string value of the start date APEX Item.
var startDateStr = apex.item("P70_START_DATE").getValue();
// Use to convert the string date value to
// a date value understood by
var startDate =, dateFormat);
var endDateStr = "";
// Add 7 days to the startDate., addDays,;
// Convert date back to a String using the date format of the session.
endDateStr = startDate, dateFormat);
// Set the End Date value in the APEX Item.
apex.item( "P70_END_DATE" ).setValue(endDateStr);
The final parameter of
identifies the unit (DAY,HOUR,YEAR, etc.). I am adding days in my example, so the unit is DAY
. See the documentation for a complete list. We can also use
to subtract date/time values.
By changing the type of Dynamic Action from 'Execute JavaScript Code' to 'Execute Server-side Code', we could have used PL/SQL to achieve the same thing.
The benefit of the JavaScript approach is that we avoid a round trip to the database in order to do this simple calculation.
Example 2 - Date Comparisons
In this example, we are checking to make sure the end date is greater than the start date. The javascript below uses
to achieve this.
const dateFormat = apex.locale.getDateFormat();
var startDateStr = apex.item("P70_START_DATE").getValue();
var endDateStr = apex.item("P70_END_DATE").getValue();
var startDate =, dateFormat);
var endDate =, dateFormat);
// Clear any existing errors on the page
// compares the two dates down to the second.
if ( startDate, endDate,
type: "error",
location: ["inline" ],
pageItem: "P70_END_DATE",
message: "End Date must be after Start Date"
There are other comparison functions available in
, including isBefore, isBetween, isSame, isSameOrAfter, etc.
Example 3 - Since
You may have encountered the APEX PL/SQL function APEX_UTIL.GET_SINCE
. It returns a string describing the elapsed time between a date and time variable and the current date and time. In this example, we use
to achieve the same thing as APEX_UTIL.GET_SINCE
const dateFormat = 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MIpm'
var startDateStr = '07/04/2022 5:00pm';
var startDate =, dateFormat);
var sinceString = startDate );
console.log('Since String: ' + sinceString);
Output from the above snippet: Since String: 13 minutes ago
This blog post was just a taste of the utilities available in
. I encourage you to explore the documentation to find out more.
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