Client-Side Formatting with APEX Template Directives

Client-Side Formatting with APEX Template Directives


4 min read

Oracle APEX Template Directives allow you to apply client-side directives to control the display and formatting of data that is returned from SQL.

Template Directives can be used on any APEX components that support client-side rendering. These include the Cards Region and Interactive Grid. Look out for the text Supports Template Directives in the APEX Builder help as additional components begin to support them.

The list of directives that can be applied is if, elseif, else, endif, case, when, otherwise, endcase, loop, endloop.

Benefits of APEX Template Directives

  1. Simplify business logic in SQL, keeping it free of UI logic
  2. Reduce the risk of Cross-Site Scripting attacks by removing the need to use 'RAW' item substitution syntax, e.g., &P1_TAGS!RAW.
  3. Improve performance by reducing the size of the SQL results

Template Directives Example

The goal of this example is to display cards showing people and their address information embedded in a table within each card. Many columns are not required, and we do not want to show data for columns that do not have a value. The screenshot below shows the finished product.

Screenshot showing Oracle APEX Cards with Template Directives

Card Region SQL

The Cards Region is based on the following SQL:

SELECT first_name
,      last_name
,      address1
,      city 
,      state
,      zip
,      enabled_flag
,      tags
FROM   blog_people

Card Region Title

We want to show a comma between the last and first name if the last name is present; otherwise, display the first name. To do this, we need to set the Title Advanced Formatting toggle on and enter the below Template Directive logic.

<h3 class="a-CardView-title">


  • {if ?LAST_NAME/} - if the last_name column from the SQL is NOT NULL, then show the last name a comma, and then the first name
  • {else/} - show just the first name

In APEX Builder, it looks like this: Screenshot showing Template Directive for Cards Region Title

Card Region Sub-Title

We need to display text indicating if the person's status is Enabled, Disabled, or Unknown. For this, we will use a CASE Template Directive.

{when Y/}
<span class="u-success-text">Enabled</span>
{when N/}
<span class="u-color-15-text">Disabled</span>
<span class="u-danger-text">Unknown</span>


  • The {case/} directive is comparing the enabled_flag from the SQL statement and returning Enabled for Y, Disabled for N; if it is anything else, then it returns Unknown

The code looks like this in APEX Builder: Screenshot showing Template Directive for Cards Sub-Title

Card Region Body

We need to display an HTML table with the address in the card body. We only want to show columns for parts of the address with a value.

<div class="t-Report t-Report--stretch">
<table class="t-Report-report u-color-21 u-textCenter">
<thead class="t-Report-report u-textCenter">
    {if ?ADDRESS1/}<th class="t-Report-colHead u-bold">Address</th>{endif/}
    {if ?CITY/}<th class="t-Report-colHead u-bold">City</th>{endif/}
    {if ?STATE/}<th class="t-Report-colHead u-bold">State</th>{endif/}
    {if ?ZIP/}<th class="t-Report-colHead u-bold">ZIP</th>{endif/}
    {if ?ADDRESS1/}<td class="t-Report-cell">&ADDRESS1.</td>{endif/}
    {if ?CITY/}<td class="t-Report-cell">&CITY.</td>{endif/}
    {if ?STATE/}<td class="t-Report-cell">&STATE.</td>{endif/}
    {if ?ZIP/}<td class="t-Report-cell">&ZIP.</td>{endif/}


  • The {if ?COLUMN_NAME/} statements for the table headers and table rows determine if the column is rendered based on whether the column has a value
  • The ADDRESS1, CITY, STATE, and ZIP columns are referenced from the Region SQL

This is how it looks in APEX Builder: Screenshot showing Template Directive for Cards Region Body

Card Region Secondary-Body

We need to display tags indicating the person's expertise. The tags column in the SQL contains values delimited by a ':' e.g., PLSQL:APEX:ORDS.

{loop ":" TAGS/}
  <span class="a-CardView-badge a-CardView-badgeValue">&APEX$ITEM.</span>


  • The loop template directive is looping through the values from the tag column in the SQL. Each value is delimited by a ':'
  • A specific tag value is referenced within the loop using &APEX$ITEM.
  • The <span></span> HTML tags and the UT classes a-CardView-badge and a-CardView-badgeValue are used for styling

The code looks like this in APEX Builder: Screenshot showing Template Directive for Cards Secondary-Body

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