There are several providers, including Oracle, that sell comprehensive integration solutions. Sometimes, these are necessary, but they can be overkill (and expensive) in many cases. In this post, I will describe an event-driven file-based integration approach using APEX, ORDS, OCI Object Store, and OCI Events. This approach allows us to create a fully automated no-touch file integration using products available on the OCI Cloud Free Tier.
Integration Architecture
The diagram below describes the high-level architecture for this approach:
- The source system generates export files
- The source system posts files to OCI Object Store
- OCI Object Store raises an event when each file is created in OCI Object Store
- ORDS receives JSON documents from the OCI events
- The ORDS POST Handler PL/SQL parses the event JSON and fetches the file from OCI Object Store. The file is parsed and loaded into local tables
- APEX can now access the data in the local tables
Example Use Case
One real-world example of this approach is the integration of General Ledger Journal entries from Oracle ERP Cloud to a SaaS Oracle Database. This involved configuring ERP Cloud Business Intelligence Cloud Connector (BICC) to bulk export journal entries to an OCI Bucket. An OCI Event was configured to trigger when the files hit Object Store and call an ORDS Web Service to fetch the newly generated files and import them into a local table. This integration was capable of importing five and a half million ERP Cloud Journal Entry records in five minutes.
Creating the Integration
There are several pieces and parts to the integration approach. I will describe each of them in this section.
ORDS Template and Handler
We need to create an ORDS Template and Handler to receive a JSON payload from the OCI Event and process it.
ORDS Template
ORDS Handler
ORDS Handler PL/SQL Code
The PL/SQL package/procedure below can be used as a starting point. i.e., it is not production-ready. The code does the following:
- Parse the OCI Event JSON
- Check to see if the payload contains the initial Confirmation URL (see below for details)
- If it does, then capture and log the Confirmation URL
- If it does not, then capture the file name, bucket name, and file extension from the Create Object Event JSON
- 🚧 I have not included the code to fetch the file from OCI Object Store and process it. We will discuss options for achieving this later in the post
-- Scope prefix used for Logger
GC_SCOPE_PREFIX CONSTANT VARCHAR2(60) := LOWER($$plsql_unit) || '.';
PROCEDURE oci_object_created
(p_payload IN CLOB,
x_http_status OUT NUMBER) IS
l_logger_scope logger_logs.SCOPE%TYPE := GC_SCOPE_PREFIX || utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)(2);
l_logger_params logger.tab_param;
l_json_object JSON_OBJECT_T;
l_bucket_name VARCHAR2(500);
l_file_name VARCHAR2(500);
l_file_extension VARCHAR2(10);
l_confirm_url VARCHAR2(1000);
-- Assume Success
x_http_status := 201;
logger.append_param(l_logger_params, 'payload', p_payload);
logger.log('Start', l_logger_scope, NULL, l_logger_params);
-- Parse The OCI Notification JSON Payload.
l_json_object := JSON_OBJECT_T.PARSE(p_payload);
-- When you first establish a Notification in OCI, it Sends a URL to the EndPoint to confirm
-- you are who you say you are. Check to See if this is that Initial Callback and log the URL to the log file.
IF l_json_object.has('ConfirmationURL') THEN
l_confirm_url := l_json_object.get_String('ConfirmationURL');
logger.append_param(l_logger_params, 'confirm_url', l_confirm_url);
logger.log_info('First Call, Confirm URL', l_logger_scope, NULL, l_logger_params);
-- Get information about the file that was received.
l_file_name := l_json_object.get_Object('data').get_String('resourceName');
l_bucket_name := l_json_object.get_Object('data').get_Object('additionalDetails').get_String('bucketName');
l_file_extension := apex_string_util.find_file_extension(p_filename => l_file_name);
logger.append_param(l_logger_params, 'file_name', l_file_name);
logger.append_param(l_logger_params, 'bucket_name', l_bucket_name);
logger.append_param(l_logger_params, 'file_extension', l_file_extension);
logger.log('File Info Captured', l_logger_scope, NULL, l_logger_params);
-- TBD - Fetch file from Object Store and Process it.
logger.log_error('Failed to Parse OCI File ['||SQLERRM||']', l_logger_scope, NULL, l_logger_params);
x_http_status := 400;
logger.log_error('Unhandled Error ['||SQLERRM||']', l_logger_scope, NULL, l_logger_params);
x_http_status := 400;
END oci_object_created;
END blog_oci_pk;
OCI Components
Let's turn now to the OCI components that make up this approach.
OCI Object Store Bucket
I already have an OCI compartment called DEV
in which I will create a new bucket.
- Login to the OCI Console
- 🧭 Storage > Object Storage & Archive > Buckets > Click 'Create Bucket'
- Enter a Bucket Name and check 'Emit Object Events'. This allows OCI to post bucket lifecycle events (e.g., create, delete object, etc.) to OCI Event Topics
- After Bucket creation
OCI Notification Topic and Subscription
Next, we must tell OCI what to do when a file is created in our Bucket. We do this by creating a Notification Topic and then Subscribing the ORDS Web Service to the topic.
- Login to the OCI Console
- 🧭 Developer Services > Application Integration > Notifications > Click 'Create Topic'
- Enter a name and description, then click 'Create'
- Click on the Topic Name, then click 'Create Subscription'. Enter your ORDS Web Service URL in the URL field
- After creation, the subscription will be in 'Pending' status
- OCI does not immediately activate the subscription. Instead, it sends JSON containing a Confirmation URL to your ORDS Web Service. The subscription will not be activated until you access the Confirmation URL
- Because this initial Confirmation JSON will differ from the event JSON, you need to include code in your ORDS Handler to accept and store this confirmation URL JSON. I have included this logic in the sample PL/SQL procedure described above called
- Example Confirmation URL JSON
To complete confirmation, copy and paste the confirmation URL from the JSON into a browser address bar
If you look at your subscription again, it should now be active
Create OCI Event Rule
Next, we need to create an Event Rule to post a message to the notification topic whenever a file is created in the OCI Bucket.
- Login to the OCI Console
- 🧭 Observability & Management > Events Services > Rules > Click 'Create Rule'
- Enter a Display Name
- Under Rule Conditions; Service Name = 'Object Storage', Event Type = 'Object -Create'
- Under Actions; Action Type = 'Notifications', Topic = 'The Topic you Created Above'
Testing the Integration
We now have everything in place to test our integration. Let's upload a test file to make sure everything is working OK.
- Login to the OCI Console
- 🧭 Storage > Object Storage > Buckets > Click the Newly Created Bucket Name
- Click Upload and Upload a test file
- Within a couple of seconds, you should see the event in the Event Metrics
- Here is a sample JSON document received by the ORDS Web Service from an Object Store Create Object event. The JSON contains everything we need to go and fetch the file from Object Storage
{ "eventType" : "com.oraclecloud.objectstorage.createobject", "cloudEventsVersion" : "0.1", "eventTypeVersion" : "2.0", "source" : "ObjectStorage", "eventTime" : "2022-06-29T18:34:43Z", "contentType" : "application/json", "data" : { "compartmentId" : "ocid1.compartment.oc1..XXXX", "compartmentName" : "DEV", "resourceName" : "Sample_File.json", "resourceId" : "/n/nueva/b/BLOG_FILES/o/Sample_File.json", "availabilityDomain" : "IAD-AD-3", "additionalDetails" : { "bucketName" : "BLOG_FILES", "versionId" : "25b08005-77b3-42c3-86cb-bcb32d2c8d4e", "archivalState" : "Available", "namespace" : "XXXX", "bucketId" : "ocid1.bucket.oc1.iad.XXXX", "eTag" : "03a5d98f-9dff-4ce6-bded-9047840c288d" } }, "eventID" : "c6f0012a-a04d-3e92-bb02-24e6392e6639", "extensions" : { "compartmentId" : "ocid1.compartment.oc1..XXXX" } }
Completing the Integration
In the sample PL/SQL procedure oci_object_created
, we stubbed out the code to fetch and parse the file. In this section, I'll discuss options for completing these steps.
Synchronous Vs. Asynchronous
We first have to decide if we want to process the file immediately when it is created or defer processing until a later time.
Synchronous Processing We could add code to fetch and process files inside our ORDS Handler procedure. This provides for real-time processing of files posted to OCI Object Store.
Asynchronous We could also change the ORDS Handler to log details of the newly created file in a local queue table. We can then create an APEX Automation to query the queue table and process the file at a later time.
Whichever option you choose, the approach for fetching and parsing the file will be the same.
Fetching the File
We can use the APEX_WEB_SERVICE PL/SQL API to fetch files from OCI Object Store.
Before we can do this, we need to create an APEX Web Credential that will authenticate any requests we make to the OCI Bucket. Read my post Setup Secure APEX Access to OCI Object Storage to find out how to do this.
We can now reference the APEX Web Credential to fetch files from OCI. The PL/SQL block below will fetch the test file from OCI into a BLOB variable.
l_oci_url VARCHAR2(500);
l_file_blob BLOB;
-- Create an APEX Session (required to reference Web Credential in APEX_WEB_SERVICE)
apex_session.create_session (p_app_id => 2000, p_page_id => 1, p_username => 'OCI');
l_oci_url := '';
l_file_blob := apex_web_service.make_rest_request_b
(p_url => UTL_URL.ESCAPE(l_oci_url),
p_http_method => 'GET',
p_credential_static_id => 'WEB_CREDENTIAL_STATIC_ID');
The URL is made up of the following components:
- The Object Store Region Endpoint e.g.
- The object storage name space e.g.
. You can get the Namespace from the OCI Console, by clicking the Profile Icon (top right), then click 'Tenancy'. Use the value hidden by the green highlight in the screenshot below - The bucket name e.g.,
- The filename e.g.,
The value for p_credential_static_id
is the APEX Web Credential Static ID created above.
Parsing and Processing the File
Now that we have the file in a BLOB variable, we can parse it using the APEX_DATA_PARSER PL/SQL API. Read my post Easy file Parsing with the APEX_DATA_PARSER API for more details. You can use APEX_DATA_PARSER to parse CSV, XLSX, XML or JSON files.
With the data parsed, load it into local tables so that it can be used by your APEX Applications.
There are many ways any one integration can be implemented. I encourage you to consider using APEX and ORDS to see if you can implement an elegant solution using these no cost options of the Oracle Database.
In this post, I showed you how you can build such an elegant solution with some help from OCI Object Store and OCI Events.
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